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Tis the season! Who doesn't love to send or receive a card at Christmas with the family's photo; their unique personalities jumping off the page, shouting "Merry Christmas from us to you!"   I know for myself, that's one of the many things I appreciate about the holidays.  Every year, with anticipation, I collect the "costumes" for each member of our little family, making sure they have that one thing in common to blend us together.  I dream and plan our poses and patterns.  I conjur up the words of blessing and love I want to tuck in that envelope, seal, and send into the homes of the many we love.  And then we snap away and I gather all the fun together on my palette, or computer, and crop, rotate, resize, CREATE!  Viola!  Another card complete. :)  Then comes the fun of receiving the same from dear friends and family, some we see nearly every day, and some we see only on these precious photos each year.  I am thrilled to offer this service to you!  Many people do not have the time, energy or equipment to do this themselves, so...... this is my gift to you!  I'll design your card, even take the photos if you want, and use the exact colors, photos, text and layout of your choice.  And ship the cards directly to your home.  Check that one off your list!  Who doesn't need a little help with the holidays? 

This was our family's Christmas card for '09. Merry Christmas everyone! 

Christmas Cruisin' 

 Christmas Joy


 Mocha Memories

 Wish You Joy


Back to Basics

 Harley Holidays

 Wish You Love

Back to Basics 

Merry Snow 

 Christ's Love

Simply Stated 


Argyle Sweater 

Christmas Blessings 

Warm Hearth 

Sweet Wishes 

Back to Basics 

Happy Holly Days 

Green Swirl 

Merry Sentiment 

Vintage Teal 

 Let it Snow

O Christmas Tree 


Berry Bright 


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